Sunday, November 15, 2009

Safely Home

A few months ago I joined a book club made up of ladies from our church. We read a variety of books, but stay in the realm of Christian-based fiction and non-fiction. I've really enjoyed it - we actually spend a good hour discussing each month's book, and I learn something from every meeting. I also love that I get a chance to read some books that I might not have picked up on my own, but that have touched my life in someway.

In October we realized that we didn't have a book already on our list for the next month, and we wanted to have a little party and vote on books for the spring in December, so I suggested "Safely Home" by Randy Alcorn. I first read it several years ago at the suggestion of my mother, and I've thought about it many times since then. I'd been wanting to re-read it, so this was a good chance.

"Safely Home" is the story of two men, one from China and one from America, who end up as roommates at Harvard. The book starts about 20 years after college. The American, Ben, is a successful businessman who is looking for opportunities for his company to do business in China. His boss decides that Ben should live in China for several weeks to gain personal insight into the life of an average person in China. So, Ben ends up living with his old roommate, Quan, and Quan's family, and what Ben learns changes his life forever.

I love this book, mainly because it opened my eyes to the persecution of Christians that is occurring today. The author has done a lot of research on the subject, and it is mind-blowing to me that these things are happening in the 21st century. As an American, can you imagine having to hide a Bible? Or travel long distances in the dark of night to attend church? Or know that you could be thrown in prison at any time for being a follower of Christ?

The book was a hit among all of the members of our Book Club, and a few of them did more research into the Church in China. Everything they read and shared with us further emphasized what is happening, and while in some ways it makes us feel like "wimpy Christians," we all feel inspired by the characters' courage, led to spend more time in prayer for our fellow Christians who are suffering, and committed to be on guard to not let our freedoms and financial blessings lull us into a lack of dependence on God. We are so fortunate to live in a country where we are free!

1 comment:

  1. I am so blessed that you are my daughter! Seeing the beautiful Christian woman you have become brings me great joy. There have been many times that something you have said or done has touched my heart, and you have done it again with this post. Thank you for reminding me that I also need to spend more time in prayer, more time remembering Who my Source of strength is, and more time putting my faith into action. I'm glad you suggested this book to your book club friends, and I'm going to read mine again too.
    Love you! Mom
