Sunday, September 20, 2009

What the TiFaux is Watching - Fall '09

Once again inspired by Lindsay, I’m doing my version of her regular “What the Tivo is Watching” posts. Based on the Entertainment Weekly Fall TV Preview issue and what we already regularly watch, this is what is recording, including Robert's shows. I’ll do an update later on to show what I actually ended up watching.

Meet the Press (Robert)
This Week with George Stephanopoulos (mostly R)
CBS Sunday Morning (mostly R, but I watch sometimes)
The Amazing Race
Mad Men

How I Met Your Mother
Gossip Girl – my guilty pleasure!
The Big Bang Theory

Biggest Loser
Flipping Out

Top Chef

The Office
Flash Forward
30 Rock
Grey's Anatomy
Project Runway

Nothing - catch up on shows we've recorded

Football, if anything
Catch up on shows we've recorded

We also watch some of Good Morning America while we get ready in the morning, Robert watches ABC World News during dinner, and we catch parts of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report if we're up, although we only have the TiFaux set up to record the evening news.

It is a lot, but we rarely rent movies once the new television season starts - we don't go out very often, so we usually catch up on "our stories" on Friday and Saturday nights. Since I know I watch a lot and am trying to cut back, this season I've already dropped:

Heroes - This was a favorite the first season, and it's gone steadily downhill since then.
Dancing with the Stars & So You Think You Can Dance - I enjoy these shows, but each season is basically the same. Plus, each one is such a time commitment (3 hours of recording time). I'll catch some episodes here and there, but I'm not going to record them.

Anything else I should be considering?

1 comment:

  1. We were on the fence with Heroes this season but the first episode was really really good, as in better than the last two seasons. We're considering dropping Community as it hasn't been that great. This week's show is going to decide it's fate!
